
The Milhaus Difference

March 04, 2022

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Why do YOU think Milhaus is a great place to work?

"Milhaus is obsessed about keeping culture at the forefront of our day-to-day. Many workplaces can wane on keeping the employee satisfaction a priority, but Milhaus pushes and digs to stay current on the needs of every single employee." Emily Swan

"It's a great place to work due to the amount of trust, flexibility and work environment Milhaus encompasses. The ability to work a couple days from home as well as the trust that managers give their employees to get the job done is very important to me. Opening the garage doors and working outside on the patio with your laptop with other departments in the warm sun is always enjoyable. At Milhaus, no doors are 'closed' and everyone embraces each other with a sense of openness." Cameron Day

"Milhaus is like no other management company I have ever worked for, and it is refreshing. Why? Because they encourage you to be different and live in a grey area. They collaborate to make everyone's job easier, and to come up with new ideas for the residents to have an above-normal experience." Kara Young

"We have an amazing team that all enjoy working together." Kirby Hughes

"Honestly, the people here are the best in the business, and I never stop learning at Milhaus." Jennifer Marks

"To me, it's the entire package. We have a great mission that everyone can relate to and get behind. We also hire great people, and we all genuinely like each other, so it's fun to come to work every day. Then we have founders and leaders that really care about their employees and about their enjoyment of work, as well as in ensuring a good work/life balance. I take 2 plane flights every Sunday to get to Indy just to show up every Monday morning. That must be proof that I love it here!" Dave Brackett

"It's a little daunting to think about life after graduating and being new to corporate life. Milhaus and my team in particular, has made me feel welcomed and valued from the beginning. I love my job because everyone shares the same vision and is dedicated to the mission we have here." Darien Johnson  

"I think Milhaus genuinely cares about the wellbeing/happiness of their employees. They continually ask for ways to improve, and then work towards making those improvements." Lauren Baker 

"The team I work with is outstanding both as individuals and as a group. We work well together, collaborate often and are there to cover each other when needed. Every day is something different and something to laugh at and brighten our day is usually in abundance." Damien Sullivan

"THE PEOPLE! Everyone is so fun to be around and makes it nice to be in the office. The easy-going, laid-back culture really makes such a difference." Bree Anthony

"There are many reasons, but I think something that makes Milhaus truly special is the people." Taylor Bedwell

"Being a great place to work isn't about the perks listed on the website. It's all about the people. We have an executive team that is focused on making sure our people are taken care of and have a voice along with a team that gives 110% at work while also enjoying time socializing at happy hours or outside of the office. It is a great place to be right now with all of the opportunity over the next 2-3 years with our projected growth!" Raven Reckley

"SO MANY REASONS! Milhaus is a great place to work because our people, our culture and our growth! It all starts with getting the right people that are all-in and care about what we do and who we do it with. Second, I feel Milhaus really puts their money where their mouth is to foster an inclusive, engaging culture that is much more than the perks or fun activities we do - it goes into how we function as a team and business and the core of what makes up our team and what we prioritize. Lastly, the incredible growth we are experiencing is incredible to aid in and see what we are building this company into - together!" Paige Bell

"I feel like I can never quite put into words what it is about Milhaus that I love. But one thing that does come to mind is just what a melting pot we have here. We are made up of basically three different industries, people from all kinds of walks of life, age ranges, cities and beyond. Putting that all together makes for such a unique, energized and ever-changing work environment. I can't get enough of our people whether it's in person at Indy HQ or connecting with our teams across the country- every day is different, and I am just ALWAYS learning something from someone." Maddie Moyer

Share a memory of a GREAT day you had at work!

"I love our pitch-ins, especially when they congregate on our patio. It feels more like family than work in a lot of these instances. It's great to catch up with friends and get to know our ever-growing pool of new faces. From Thanksgiving to happy hours, to video game Fridays, to chili cook-offs. These are my favorite memories." Emily Swan

"Our celebration we had as an entire company last year at Fowling. It was a great time for everyone to let loose and enjoy a couple of hours." Cameron Day

"By far my best day in Property Management in 18 years was with Milhaus. It took place at Artistry SP during the monthly Gay Pride celebration. I was able to hang a PRIDE flag on the building. It actually brought tears to my eye that we are in a place and time when this was accepted, and that my company supported me doing it. Never felt pride like that before." Kara Young

"One of my best memories was the day we made the video showcasing our property. We spent the day just having fun, recording a video of how great our property is and how amazing our team is, ending the day with us jumping in the pool." Kirby Hughes

"Any day that we close a deal is a GREAT day for me. But I would have to say when we celebrated Suzie's birthday and hoisted her up in a chair to sing happy birthday.  I will remember that forever and all the smiles shared that day." Jennifer Marks

"We recently hosted our Property Managers at HQ with a happy hour where we christened our brand new kegerator. It was great to be able to share the great vibes of our office (as well as some brewskis) with the teams that are making it happen for us out in the field!" Dave Brackett

"I've been stuck in a creative slump recently. My team and I had a "street naming" discussion a few days ago, which is usually not the most enjoyable. Being in the same room with my team and feeding off their energy was really inspiring and shifted my feelings and thoughts towards my work recently. It may not sound like a great day but a little bit goes a long way." Darien Johnson

"I love all our workdays that have 'Linner' (Lunch/Dinner) dates with the whole company. It's nice to do a friendly chili cookoff or eat Thanksgiving together with your coworkers. The fact that it's company-wide allows you to meet/mingle with people that you don't work with on a regular basis." Lauren Baker

"The Olympics Grand Opening Ceremony! Everyone had so much fun participating and watching. I loved seeing everyone dressed up as the "states" and watching Emily & Maddie as commentators were entertainment gold." Bree Anthony

"Any day I can laugh and bond with my coworkers is a great day!" Taylor Bedwell

"Honestly, any day I spend with my teams in Indy is a great day. There is great energy in the Indy office that is hard to replicate anywhere else. However, my favorite most recent memory was the holiday party. Getting the team away from the office to celebrate successes and let loose was much needed after a couple of VERY intense years. It was fun to get to relax and have a few drinks with work friends." Raven Reckley   

"Again, SO MANY! Of course, I can think of EPIC days like Suzie's birthday where we hoisted her chair in the air, several tricycle race days for the Indy 500, Water Balloon Toss Day, ALL the pitch-ins and of course our crown jewel, The Summer 2021 Milhaus Olympic Opening Ceremony. I also think of more ordinary days where I get to work with multiple internal groups, go for a group lunch at The Dugout with 5-15 random coworkers that want to go eat together, throw in an HR team meeting or broader group meeting and you're in for a really well-rounded GREAT day at work. One thing about our HR/Recruiting team is that we always have each other's back, love to laugh together and want to push the needle forward. Those "nose to the grindstone" days can be just as GREAT because of the people I get to do it with." Paige Bell

"For me, it's those random days that I walk into Indy HQ and we have a FULL house. While I have always been someone who values in-person time, the pandemic gave me a whole new perspective. Every meeting I get to sit in with a group of people means more to me now. It's not just marking something off the to-do list, it's collaboration, it's fun, it's learning from others, it's getting to know someone past the dimensions of a box on your computer screen. There is a different kind of energy on those days at Milhaus and it truly is what keeps me inspired." Maddie Moyer

It's National Employee Appreciation Day, give someone or a department an "appreciation" shoutout!

"I always appreciate our HR team. There is a nonstop flow of innovation, to putting out fires, to learning all the new laws on the fly. Although ALL our teams are ever pushing themselves to be the best, and taking on all the work, I know our HR team is the icing to our gingerbread house." Emily Swan

"I'd like to give a shoutout to John Rincones. He has saved my life answering tough questions about Entrata and welcoming my probably dumb questions that I may have. He's helped create a great environment for our IT department." Cameron Day

"I want to give a shout out to Development. They work so hard to make sure that each property that is being built is a staple in the community, and they also work tirelessly on some very hard projects to make living better for so many. Thanks, Development!" Kara Young

"Our maintenance teams deserve the biggest shoutout! Dustin and his team are the backbone of everything we do." Kirby Hughes

"Shoutout to my fellow legal eagles for all their hard work and efforts to implement policies and procedures in the legal department. I would also like to shoutout all the other departments at Milhaus as each department is critical in hitting our goals and making this a wonderful place to work." Jennifer Marks

"The Road Warriors in the company (self-excluded). There are many team members here that get on the road often, despite all of the unknowns of COVID, winter weather, etc., and they never complain, yet they do a great job of carrying the Milhaus flag out to all of our other locations. Kudos to you folks!" Dave Brackett

"Raven, Erin, Maddie and Cameron." Darien Johnson

"Development! We are crushing it this year! (As are all the other departments)." Lauren Baker

"Paige for constantly pushing us to be better while simultaneously supporting us however she can, and Bree for smashing the game at Property Management recruiting whilst also juggling all the onboarding." Damien Sullivan

"Everyone deserves a shoutout. We're all in this together!!! *cue High School Musical tune*" Bree Anthony

"Each and every department is amazing! It takes a village!" Taylor Bedwell

"I want to give Tadd and Greg a shoutout for all of their hard work over the past 12 years to make Milhaus the place it is today. And of course (shameless plug) to all of the corporate support staff that helps keeps things running behind the scenes." Raven Reckley   

"The nature of what I do for the organization has allowed me to really dive into each department, property, construction team and grow such a huge appreciation for so many fantastic people. The people here are wicked smart, collaborative and genuine it makes coming to work fulfilling and frankly fun! My shout-out is to all of #TeamMilhaus!" Paige Bell

"I want to shout-out our onsite teams. I feel like I have a unique privilege of seeing or knowing many of the ins and outs of their every day. There is still so much I DON'T see or know, and I just couldn't be more impressed with how every single one of them handles what is on their plates. Property Management is no cakewalk and our teams onsite and truly unmatched and I am grateful to be able to learn from them and strive to be better." Maddie Moyer